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Content strategy

Unlock the full potential of your brand with a comprehensive content strategy tailored to your brand's needs. I offer expert guidance to help you navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, ensuring your content not only engages your audience but also drives measurable results.

Here are some questions I can help you answer:

Overall content strategy

  • How do you come up with a content strategy?

  • How do you prioritise paid vs organic content?

  • How do you repurpose your content?

  • What goals and key metrics should you track for content?

Blog strategy

  • How do you create a content calendar?

  • How often should you publish content?

  • How do you create content guidelines and templates?

  • How do you distribute your content to maximise reach?

Social media strategy

  • What social media channels should you focus on?

  • How often should you post?

  • What key metrics should you look at?

  • How do you track the effectiveness of your social media?

  • What formats and types of content work best on social?

Case study: Telco content strategy

Background: The company is a leading telecommunications company and multinational corporation that serves millions of households and businesses across APAC. They sought to establish a robust online presence through a dedicated content hub that could generate incremental sales for them.


Goal: Create a strategic content hub to engage the audience and monetize content to boost online sales.


Solution: I developed and implemented a full-fledged content strategy tailored to the company's goals. This involved creating writing guidelines and SEO checklists, setting up a blog infrastructure, creating SEO-optimised content, and integrating monetization strategies. Additionally, I established a tracking and reporting system to attribute sales directly from the created content, demonstrating the blog's effectiveness in driving revenue. 


Key results:

  • 900+ keywords ranking on the first page of Google

  • Generated 7 digits of annualized revenue, directly attributable to the content hub.

  • Optimised content conversion rate to 7.4%, which is between 2x-10x higher than other channels 

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